Assessment of staff efficiency - SearchInform

Assessment of staff efficiency

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An employee's education, qualifications and work experience are not as important for the head of the organization as the specific result. Therefore, the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of work is the performance of personnel. The rest of the indicators - personal data, qualifications, experience - are taken into account as an auxiliary, and not a primary criterion.

Performance assessment: concept and meaning

The HR manager, immediate supervisor or employer has the right to assess the effectiveness of the performance of duties by the organization's personnel. An analysis of the productivity of the professional activity of an individual employee, an assessment of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks allow us to note the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire company.

When assessing the effectiveness of personnel, the following are taken into account:

  • volume of work performed;
  • the complexity of the tasks;
  • features of assigned functional duties;
  • results of labor.

A person can cope with his duties, but never invest in deadlines, constantly distract colleagues to help with work, while efficiency is made up of two indicators:

  • Time spent on achieving results.
  • Spent resources.

It is well known to an experienced HR professional that three conditions are met to improve staff performance. And all three conditions are aimed at the interaction of the manager and the subordinate:

1. The desire to work must be mutual. To get the "return" from the average employee, the boss should talk about "bonuses" in the form of bonuses or career advancement. Thus, both parties benefit: the employee improves his financial situation or acquires a new status, and the organization increases profits due to the efficient use of personnel.

2. Using the “personal” / “selfish” needs of the subordinate to increase the indicators of his effectiveness. Each has its own interest. If you can find out what is important to a person, you can use it as motivation.

3. The interest of the management in the team of workers. If subordinates feel their "need", understand that the company is interested in each of them, they try not to disappoint the management, and the results of their work will serve as a reward for both the subordinate and the manager.

Assessment objectives

How did the idea of labor appraisal come about? Every employer wants to know what they are spending their money on. It is important for him to understand that the benefits from the employee's activities correspond to the funds invested in him. Effectiveness is assessed to find out:

  • the level of work of the management system, as well as the organization of the distribution of functional responsibilities among the personnel;
  • whether an individual employee copes with the tasks assigned to him, and to what extent;
  • The "need" of the employee for the company: the ratio of the company's expenses for the maintenance of the employee with his personal contribution to the profit of the enterprise;
  • correspondence of the amount of work performed to the earnings received;
  • what methods of motivation will be effective for staff;
  • how promising the employee is, and whether it is worth investing in his training to increase the efficiency and productivity of his work, based on the interests of the organization.

Implementation of KPI (Key Performance Indicators) assessment of personnel is a popular technique of modern managers.

In practice, it looks like this: the boss sets certain goals and objectives for the staff. Some employees perform tasks, others do not. According to the assessment and reward: those who completed the plan - a bonus (monetary reward), the rest - thanks for the work (or an attempt to cope with it). The purpose of such assessments is fair pay.

Who needs an assessment?

The employer is primarily interested in evaluating the effectiveness. Based on the performance indicators, he assigns payment to the personnel. For example, a sales manager can be interested in a percentage of the concluded deals. The higher his personal effectiveness, the higher the average monthly income. For office workers, salary is important. And the size of the salary will depend on the assessment of the effectiveness of their work. But with creative personnel - designers or programmers - everything is much more complicated. Russian companies are just beginning to use the KPI indicator in assessing the productivity of creative work. The remuneration of employees of companies is based on the subjective assessment of the manager or employer. Only a part of the leaders admit to their method of assessment, and the rest assiduously hide it.

Problems in the implementation of the assessment system

Not all managers succeed in implementing a performance rating system for their subordinates. And the reason lies both in the unsuccessful method and in the insufficient effectiveness of the leader himself. What problems in the analysis of work performance can arise and why?

The first barrier to the successful implementation of a system for assessing the level of performance by personnel of their duties is the resistance of the team. Why is this happening? There are a number of reasons:

  • concerns about innovation. The staff is afraid of change, believing that the workload will increase and the salary will decrease;
  • complex scheme. The multilevel system for assessing the effectiveness of the use of personnel confuses and demotivates the employee. If an employee cannot understand what he did wrong and why he was paid less, this negatively affects his activities and attitude to work;
  • incomprehensible wage system. If the bonus is paid based on the results of work for the last month, or even the month before last, the employee is disoriented: he worked worse, but earned more;
  • the difference in the assessment of completed tasks and overall efficiency between the employee and his manager. And such estimates rarely coincide;
  • achieving this goal does not always completely depend on the activities of the employee. What he considers to be correct, aesthetic, may not please the customer at all. And the work will have to be redone, making changes over and over again. Therefore, when evaluating the activities of "creative" workers, the leader should apply a special method or an individual approach;
  • the need to spend time on reports. Who will like the task after completing the work to write a detailed report indicating the time spent, meeting deadlines and analyzing their own mistakes.

So, the main problem of introducing assessments of productivity and labor efficiency is the subjectivity and opacity of assessment methods.

Automated profiling will help eliminate subjectivity in assessments. The algorithm, which is incorporated in SearchInform ProfileCenter, impartially compiles psychological profiles of employees, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. The collected information allows you to make fair management decisions.

Features of assessing the quality of labor

The main criteria for assessing the productivity of personnel performing their duties are:

  • the final profit of the organization;
  • the personnel involved.

Profit levels alone do not guarantee the same performance for every employee. The assessment of the work of the entire team may not correspond to the assessment of an employee who “hides” behind colleagues and only “looks” an effective employee.

Specially developed assessment methods, aimed at determining the amount of the employee's efforts, his potential and external factors influencing his activities, help to determine the level of staff performance.

Assessment techniques

The assessment of the professional level of personnel is set based on the analysis:

  • the amount of theoretical knowledge of the organization's employees;
  • the ability of staff to apply knowledge in practice.

Methods for assessing a particular employee allow the manager to determine the ability of the subordinate to create the “product” needed by the organization, at the lowest cost to the latter.

The most popular are the following personnel assessment methods:

  1. Certification.
  2. Tests.
  3. Target management (Management By Objectives).
  4. Performance Management.


The certification method makes it possible to check the level of professionalism of the company's personnel. Certification is carried out collectively, the assessment of the knowledge of employees is given by a commission, which includes specialists from certain areas. Grades during certification are given for:

  • theoretical knowledge of personnel;
  • the ability to apply them in work;
  • whether the employee fits his position.

Certification is the only method for assessing the professional level of personnel provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. If the employee received a low or unsatisfactory grade, the employer has the right to terminate the contract with him.


Personnel assessment test methods help to form an objective opinion about a candidate for a position when hiring.

The practical application of test methods of assessment has earned the trust of HR managers due to the ease of implementation and the reliability of the results.


A formal way that gives an idea of the employee's subjective assessment of himself. Provides the employer with the opportunity to analyze the qualifications and experience of the applicant for a job based on the facts and documents provided.

Application form

Questionnaires are divided into two categories. Qualifying - a job applicant is offered to pass specialized tests to assess the level of his knowledge. The most objective analysis of knowledge is carried out using specially developed computer programs. For example, the free program Ayren, based on the method of testing knowledge locally or via the Internet. Such tests consist of a set of tasks:

  1. with a suggested answer;
  2. with a detailed answer;
  3. on the ability to classify concepts;
  4. to establish compliance.

Psychological provides an assessment of stress resistance, efficiency, emotionality, moral principles of a person. Such tests are popular in law enforcement agencies, as well as in companies where personnel are faced with the processing of a large amount of information or work with clients on a daily basis. Psychological testing allows you to identify such a problem in personnel as professional "burnout", and weed out candidates "unsuitable" for productive work.


Installing special hardware such as Yaware, TimeTracker or TimeInformer. They provide an employer or manager with the opportunity to observe staff all day long. This method allows you to track the activities of each employee, to give marks to communication skills, the level of professionalism, efficiency, competence. The main drawback of such an assessment is its subjectivity. The observer's opinion does not always reflect reality.


This technique is used in recruiting. During the interview, the manager analyzes the applicant's communication skills, experience of his previous work, conflicts, adaptation in a new team.

Regular interviews with existing employees help to identify problems among the staff, avoid or resolve conflicts that arise among colleagues during work, identify potential leaders and outsiders. Of course, the lack of such assessments is in their subjectivity. After all, one specialist often conducts an interview.

A game

The business game provides the manager with the opportunity to evaluate the personnel according to the following criteria:

  • activity;
  • initiative;
  • quick mind;
  • creativity;
  • foresight.

The analysis of the game allows us to single out the most promising employees, from which a reserve of candidates for career growth is formed.

It will not be possible to objectively evaluate the performance of personnel based on test methods alone. They serve as an auxiliary element in assessing the productivity of individual employees and all personnel of the company as a whole. Most of the test methods are used for preliminary assessment of a candidate for a job.

Management by Objectives

An objective method for assessing the effectiveness of an employee and his work, as well as the compliance of a person with a position.

How does it work? The manager sets several tasks for the staff and specifies the deadlines for their implementation. It can be a week of intensive work, or maybe several months. A prerequisite for setting tasks is their clarity, accuracy, feasibility.

The opinion of the staff on the strategic and tactical areas of work is necessarily heard, the digital indicators of the plan are agreed.

One of the areas of assessment for MBO is the formation of a personnel motivation scheme by creating a remuneration system based on performance indicators. The ratio of performance and salary is set by the manager.

Evaluation according to the MBO method is carried out according to two schemes:

  1. Payment is made for each completed performance indicator. The overfulfillment of the standards by personnel with such a scheme does not matter. But the failure to fulfill the plan entails a decrease in wages. There are acceptable performance indicators at the level of 80-85%.
  2. To understand the personnel assigned to them tasks and organize their activities in accordance with them, as well as to simplify the analysis of performance indicators of individual employees, an MBO matrix is being developed. It contains information about tasks and their numerical coefficients.

Performance Management

Another objective method for assessing the work of company employees, which involves setting goals and monitoring their effective performance by company personnel. Performance management is an improved MBO methodology that allows assessing the professionalism and competence of personnel. In turn, the employee is interested in the rapid achievement of the set goals.

The advantages of the methodology in the possibility of assessing the work of employees:

  • Encouraging staff to improve their professional level.
  • Increase in labor productivity.
  • Objective assessment of a person's suitability for the position held.

Stages of the RM:

  1. Preparation of performance indicators (KPI).
  2. Setting tasks for personnel based on KPI indicators.
  3. Assessment of the work of employees based on the results of the implementation of KPI
  4. Modeling staff competencies based on assessment results.

Criteria and results

There is no single mechanism capable of objectively assessing the work of an individual employee or the entire staff of a company. This is due to the variety of methods for calculating performance, the specifics of the functioning of individual enterprises, the peculiarities of the distribution of professional responsibilities assigned to personnel, as well as “portraits” of the ideal employee in a particular organization.

The use of the above assessment systems makes it possible to calculate the level of productivity of an individual employee by adding up the assessments set for various parameters, based on the assigned tasks.

A little madness, or the main thing is not to overdo it

The head of a small but stable studio "Sibiriks" in Moscow, studied a mountain of methods for assessing employee productivity and decided to introduce fair wages in his business. By the way, it was decided to introduce such "fairness" to employees engaged in the development of sites, creative ideas and other areas of IT - technologies. A detailed plan was developed for this. It was prescribed to take into account the performance of employees according to the following parameters:

  • Compliance with the planned working hours.
  • Monthly standards for "sales" of services.
  • The number of subordinates and their salary.
  • Number of thanks from customers.
  • The number of repeat orders from "regular" customers.
  • Awards for participation in specialized contests.
  • The number of negative customer reviews.
  • The amount of the receivable.
  • The number of books read and so on.

We got a very detailed list. Thus, a unified assessment scheme was created. And in order to work it out in practice, it was decided to practice not with real money, but with virtual "phantoms". A large board was placed in the office with a picture of all employees. On it with the help of badges - "forfeits" - the successes and failures of each employee were marked, which were taken into account when calculating wages.

A dramatic change in the team took place within the first hour after the launch of the "project". The faces turned gloomy. A couple of days later, "work in a new way" began a fierce struggle for "forfeits". The friendly atmosphere in the team was replaced by a cautious one. After seven days, project evaluations began to take five times longer than before. And between the developers and the project manager, whole battles flared up.

A month passed, and there was no question of helping a colleague. Each had “their own job”. Endless conflicts began. "Fanta" became the subjective opinion of the management. Everybody refused to work without "fanta". The tension in the team grew, but the efficiency of work, on the contrary, fell. In the third month of testing, the "fair pay project" was quietly closed. And after a month and a half, the anxiety disappeared. Everyone became friends again, they stopped competing. The number of satisfied clients and completed projects has increased.

Let's sum up

There are many assessment methods. And each has its own pros and cons. To what extent what method and how to apply - the manager decides. The main thing is not to transfer theoretical knowledge directly to your subordinates. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work, and the peculiarity of the personnel, and the relations that have developed in the team.

And one more thing: an employee treats his duties as the management treats him. If an employee is sure that he is appreciated, his work is respected, he is valued, he seeks not only not to let down the team and the company as a whole, but also to bring as much benefit as possible. He knows that his efforts will be noticed, appreciated and fairly rewarded.


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