Blog - SearchInform


Which Aspects of Information Security it’s Crucial to Address for SMEs?


Learn more about the methods of cyber-attacks that SMEs owners should be aware of.

Fraud Risk management Internal threat

Financial Fraud Cases


The biggest investment fraudsters


Fraud Cases


How to detect some common types of fraud and what may you do about it

Fraud Risk assessment Human factor

Examples of Cybercrime Cases


What is cybercrime and examples of a few biggest cybercrimes

Fraud ransomware Email

Biggest Corporate Frauds


An overview of some biggest cases of corporate frauds in history.

Fraud Personal data User behavior

How to detect an employee accepting kickbacks using DLP?


Proven schemes for searching for corrupt individuals in the company.

Fraud Risk assessment Internal threat

2020 infosec in pictures


You've been with us all this year and you remember all 2020 news we've shared with you. Let's smile and frown at it together!

Fraud Personal data Risk management

Corporate espionage


A little-known evil that is occurring today is the phenomenon of industrial espionage. In fact, this is a problem that has been around for quite some time.

Fraud Internal threat Insider

Shell companies and drug network


Company N called for a tender for preparation of design estimate documentation. At the stage of receiving requests the company found out that one of their employees had attempted to participate too.

Fraud Human factor Employee monitoring

What is Fraud Detection? Fraud Detection Software & Solutions


From advancing computing speeds to high-performance analytics to machine learning and other forms of AI, fraud prevention technology has come a long way.

Fraud Insider Human factor

Fraud Detection & Prevention Software: Business, Accounting, Banks


If most people were asked if stealing is wrong, they would answer “Yes”. In spite of this, organizations all over the world lose about 4 billion dollars to fraud on an annual basis.

Fraud Risk assessment Risk management

How to Prevent Identity Theft & Fraud. Types of Corporate Frauds.


Avoiding corporate fraud is no easy task considering the great variety of forms of embezzlement and deception that may take place. In the past 20 years, over 1,000 executives have been convicted of corporate fraud.

Fraud Employee monitoring Investigation

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