Blog - SearchInform


How to Train Employees in Information Security Related Issues Efficiently


In this article, Sergio Luis Bertoni, Leading Analyst at SearchInform will share my observations, based on the practical experience in the sphere of educational courses development.

Internal threat Human factor Risk management

A case in point: The thirst for revenge


Over the years of working, we have collected a large number of interesting cases. Some of them are amusing, some of them are surprising, but most of them has prevented serious losses for our clients. So, we figured: Why not share them with you?

Internal threat Risk assessment Risk management

The SearchInform DLP deals with the smartphone threat


Learn how the SearchInform DLP functionality helps to detect, whether an insider has a smartphone in hands.

Internal threat Insider Employee monitoring

What is an insider threat detection program?


Although we all hope that we can trust each of our employees and that it will never happen to us, the truth is that malicious insiders are a relevant risk in today’s corporate world.

Internal threat Insider Risk management

Detection and mitigation of internal corporate risks


The meaning of risk is the possibility of loss. Thus, what risk management entails is the process of identifying, analyzing, assessing, and prioritizing risk.

Internal threat Risk management Confidential documents

How to Reduce Internal and External Threats to Organizations


With the current state of the global economy and employees feeling ever more pressure, internal security threats are on the rise.

Internal threat Confidential documents Human factor

Information Security Threats


Information security in the broadest sense is a combination of means to protect information from accidental or deliberate exposure.

Internal threat Risk assessment Cloud

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