Ensure confidentiality while printing documents

According to the recent Shred-it study, negligence represents one of the key reasons for data breaches.

77% of managers who took part in the survey admit to sending an email including confidential data to an address which weren’t supposed to receive it.

71% of respondents claimed to have seen sensitive documents kept unattended near a printer. And 65% consider these printed “idle” papers to be a source of a data breach.

69% of data leaks happen due to lost paper documents or flash drives and other devices storing documents – 68% of companies admitted to dealing with at least one data leak within a year.

60% of managers think that employees and third-party contractors can access documents unrelated to their tasks.

The survey reveals that half of the respondents don’t have paper disposal instruments and document distruction policies in their organisations.

More than half of managers were affected by phishing attacks or social engineering, and only 39% of them reported an incident or an ayttempt to a supervisor.

21% read a document and throw it into a rubbish bin.

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