TimeInformer - SearchInform
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TimeInformer informs you of employees’ productivity.
The software keeps track of user activity and their work with applications.


Which tasks does it solve?

TimeInformer protects your business from inefficient work and financial loss caused by a staff.

The system detects:

Being late and absent

Memorizes the time of arriving at and leaving from work, long smoke breaks, being late and absent

Entertainment during work hours

Collects data about application and website usage, records time employees spend using them

Overloaded employees

Identifies employees on the verge of a burnout due to working overtime

Disloyal employees

Detects valuable employees who look for a new workplace – spend time searching for a job

Being late and absent

Memorizes the time of arriving at and leaving from work, long smoke breaks, being late and absent

Entertainment during work hours

Collects data about application and website usage, records time employees spend using them

Overloaded employees

Identifies employees on the verge of a burnout due to working overtime

Disloyal employees

Detects valuable employees who look for a new workplace – spend time searching for a job

The software allows you to:

Determine whether an application was only launched or actively used

Memorise all the visited websites and time which was spent on them

Automatically sort out productive, unproductive activities and those not related to the tasks

Collect necessary evidence for investigation – screenshots, pressed keys, audio recordings

Create detailed reports on employee activities and corporate regulations violation

Control the company’s PCs even when employees are outside the corporate network

How does TimeInformer work?

On the employee’s side

  • TimeInformer is installed on the employees’ PCs – there are both hidden and open modes
  • It collects information about the time when a PC was switched on and off, when it wasn’t used, when applications and websites were used
  • If an employee conducts an audio conversation and don’t use a mouse and a keyboard, the time tracking software will tag the time as productive

On the specialist’s side

  • The time tracking software analyses the collected data and provides the administrator with a set of reports
  • TimeInformer incorporates 33 preconfigured reports and the ability to create custom reports as well as to configure forwarding of reports to the manager’s email

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TimeInformer modules


Collects data on user activity and time spent working with applications and websites. Automatically determines if an employee is keeping an app launched or is actually working with it.


Takes screenshots demonstrating activity on employee workstations. Each screenshot captures additional information that helps to register all the details of a violation. LiveView function allows you to connect to the monitor in real time.

System requirements

Installation of the software

The solution can be installed on a company’s server or in the cloud:

1. TimeInformer installation at the client’s facilities takes half an hour and doesn’t require specific software and knowledge

2. The solution implementation and launch on a cloud server saves customer’s money required for purchase, implementation, servicing and maintenance

The solution runs on Windows. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, even a beginner can work with it.


The minimum TimeInformer server configuration is shown below:

  up to 1000 agents 1000-2500 agents
CPU 2-core 2,4 GHz Intel Core i5 3,2 GHz
RAM at least 4 GB 12 GB
HDD per month - up to 600 GB per month - up to 1 TB
(preferably RAID storage)
NIC 1 GB/sec 1 GB/sec

Workstations for endpoint monitoring

The minimum requirements for a PC are shown in the table

CPU 1-core at least 2 GHz
RAM at least 1 GB
HDD 250 GB
(disk space on system partition -
at least 50 GB)
NIC 100 MB/sec

Reports and alerts

Allows you to build detailed reports on captured information. Suspicious activity notification algorithm can be configured and a security specialist can be alerted automatically via email.

  • Activity reports display information on employees’ productivity, their activity in launched applications and on visited websites, performance during work hours
  • Reports contain data on the software installed on workstations, as well as installation and removal history
  • The hardware report category allows you to view data on equipment installed on workstations, as well as monitor changes made to the configuration of computers
  • Alerts are generated taking into account various conditions, and the built-in scheduler will help to automate control: notifications will be created automatically and sent to a specified email address

User efficiency reports. Employee productivity monitoring

Control content copied to the clipboard - any keystroke combination is analysed

Take screenshots of workstations and monitor employee activity. Real time monitoring with LiveView function


Company’s losses due to employees’ performance issues decrease on average by 30% after the solution is installed

Perpetual license

If you purchase TimeInformer you get a time tracking and performance monitoring instrument for permanent use.

The ability to “see” the employee’s screen and “hear” it

The software helps to monitor a suspicious employee: monitor what is happening on the desktop in real time and listen to a conversation via a PC microphone.

Can’t be uninstalled

Unscrupulous employees will not be able to remove the software from a PC. The system will alert to such attempts.

Remote employee control

The software monitors the activity of users, even when they work remotely, for example, when on a business trip – the team is under control, even when the manager is away.

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