SearchInform solution in the cloud - SearchInform
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to purchase a server

SearchInform solution in the cloud
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Monitoring of all popular communication channels       |      
Control of branch offices and remote employees

Risk management and information security software is traditionally installed within the client company’s infrastructure. But such a deployment model requires purchasing:

a server (or allocating one in case a company
has an assigned server)

a software license

a third-party software license (MS SQL, etc.)

Some businesses prefer not to make a one-time payment for both software and hardware as the spending is considerable. There is an alternative based on a subscription model – infrastructure and software can be rented and services can be paid once a month.

Who needs the cloud deployment model?

  • Small, medium and large enterprises who don’t have their own IT infrastructure (email servers, VPN, NAS, etc.) or it is limited
  • Companies who have no specialists ready to mitigate cybersecurity risks, IT experts who would deploy the system and its proper implementation
  • Companies who prefer to pay for the service once per month allocating their budget

Cloud safety

Today, many IT products are looking for ways they could be implemented in the cloud. The most popular cloud providers comply with stringent regulatory requirements, offer access to additional security configurations, guarantee the confidentiality of client data, and as large companies they are better at protecting themselves from DDoS attacks than individual customers.

Learn how to protect your company with SearchInform cloud solution

Cloud data protection: new age solution

Cloud solution for productivity monitoring

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Searchinform + azure
  • SQL in Azure
  • SQL-desktop in virtual machine
  • Azure Active
  • Directory Windows virtual desktop (+ an installed SearchInform product)
  • Linux virtual desktop (+ an installed SearchInform product)
  • Office Online (integration)
  • OneDrive
  • Azure Sharepoint

Why Azure?

  • Multilevel protection
  • Inbuilt management elements
  • International regulatory compliance
  • Everyday analysis of 8 trillion threat signals
  • Large-scale intelligent analytics tools
  • Seamless data exchange between all the components of protected infrastructure

How to deploy?

1 Choose our product in Azure
2 Opt for a data storage system and DBMS location
3 Submit for licenses and install them in the Data Center
4 Deploy the software on PCs

How does SearchInform solution work in the cloud?

How does SearchInform solution work in the cloud?

All the components of the solution and capabilities to control data transfer channels are available in the cloud deployment model:

Learn more

Cloud deployment model

Cloud options:

SearchInform cloud

SearchInform cloud

We install all SearchInform solution components. Data is processed and stored on SearchInform servers.

Other cloud service

Other cloud service

We place SearchInform components in the cloud chosen by the client. Data is processed and stored on the provider’s side.

If you don’t have a specialist who is ready to deploy the solution in the cloud, let the experts take care of your company’s security and threat mitigation

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