Excessive data supplement

Newest research show, that people tend to be more cautious when working with data. Still, a lot of excessive data is transmitted.

According to a global survey, performed by Atlas VPN company, 73% of respondents are ready to share some part of their personal data if they get 20$ discount in return. A bit less part of consumers (64%) would tell their e-mail address to a mobile app or web-site. Approximately each third client (31%) would tell his/her full name and surname in order to receive discount code. Approximately each fourth (23%) of consumers would tell his/her phone number in order to get a discount. 16% are ready to share their home address in return for a coupon and 27%.

One the most interesting facts, represented in the research, is that 38% of customers believe, that their mobile phone listens to their conversations and basing on the gathered information sends customized advertisement. What’s more, 52% of respondents believe, that such thing, as online privacy doesn’t exist at all. Issues, related to the negative impact of digital advertisement mechanisms, such as affecting peoples’ preferences in commercial sphere and what’s more, general type of behavior are widely discussed between scientists and IT-specialists for a while. And now it seems, that people begin to understand, that advertisement, based on excessive data collection, big data related tools etc. may have a real impact of behavior modifications achieved through abusive privacy practices.
Taking all the information mentioned above into consideration, it may be stated, that people are becoming more aware about the risks, related to supplement with excessive data. At the same time, many people are still ready to send their personal data in return for a discount. Nowadays, not-so-obvious ways of data collecting are becoming more and more popular – such techniques help to avoid reputational risks, causing loss of clients on the one hand  and problems with regulatory authorities etc. on the other hand. At the same time, they are still able to get required data amount. For example, usage of Mobile apps may give some preferences.

In these circumstances it seems, that everyone has: 
1) to stay up-to-date;
2) to try to develop data-handling competencies;
3) not to interact with unverified resources;
4)  to pay attention to Privacy Policies documents; 
5) to reduce the amount of permissions for web-sites and mobile apps;
6) to be careful and try to avoid sharing sensitive data in cases, when it’s not strictly important.

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