SeachInform at GISEC 2023 event - SearchInform

SearchInform at GISEC 2023

March 14-16, 2023 | Dubai World Trade Centre

Join us in March – find us on the venue map and learn more about how to balance your security forces and priorities, and how to smooth out the unsteadiness of confidential information safety


GISEC Global is the leading gathering ground for the cybersecurity community worldwide. Top cybersecurity enterprises from 40 countries, CISOs from major corporations across the Middle East, Africa & Asia, government dignitaries and cyber leaders, regional and international innovators and global experts came together to decisively lead cybersecurity transformations across sectors and nations.


Book a one-to-one meeting with our specialist at GISEC!


Yamen Mustafa

Regional Managing Director, SearchInform


E mail:
Mobile /Whats app: +971 (52) 655 14 25


Registration for this seminar has already been completed.

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