SearchInform released the updated version of it’s protective solution for Linux operated workstations. The capabilities for web-camera control, including the AI technology for faces and objects recognition was added. What’s more, from now on the solution monitors the employees’ activity on the Internet and takes screenshots of employees’ monitors.
With the help of CameraController module it’s possible to take photos of the user (for example, to make sure, that the PC owner logs in). MonitorController records video of employees workstations’ monitors and takes screenshots if the timetable is configured. Finally, the ProgramController module analysis users’ activity in web browsers and asseses, whether employees spend time on the Internet efficiently.
The data gathered is added to the report on the employee’s discipline and productivity. Besides, the advanced AI-powered solutions enable to detect the atypical threats. For example, the analytical engine compares photos of users’ faces by CameraController with the PC owner’s face and with the help of the face recognition function detects, whether the legitimate owner or a third party uses the computer. What’s more, if no user is detected in front of the PC, this may indicate that the active remote connection is activated. These threats are reported to IS officers. The functionality also enables to detect attempts to leak data by taking screenshots via a smartphone.
“The update has equalized the capabilities of the Risk Monitor functionality for Linux operated machines with the version for Windows powered computers. We’ve finally adjusted all the modules. What’s more, the agent became universal; it compiles itself for various minor versions within the same OS line.” - told Ricardo Martinez, Regional Business Director and Head of the representation of Latin America at SearchInform.