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User activity monitoring


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The more that a company knows about its workers, the more it can harness that knowledge to propel the business’ success to the next level. Employers do not want to leave productivity up to chance. No matter how much bosses lecture their workers about producing, policy, and expectations, not every worker is a go-getter, and some are go-getters in the making but are just in need of a little motivation. For that purpose, companies have come up with user activity monitoring tools designed to implement user activity tracking, prohibited website alerts, session recording, and much more.

Many companies would love to know how to monitor user activity, how to record all activities on a computer, and how to track user activity on a website. Nevertheless, only half of businesses have ever even put user activity monitoring into practice. Coming up with a smorgasbord of fields within user activity monitoring has become the focus of many companies seeking to satisfy businesses; insatiable demand for a greater understanding of what their dealing with, mitigate risk, and cater to their bottom line. There is good reason for this – there is no bigger risk to a company than what is posed by dubious insider activity. Insider threats are a greater cause for companies than even malicious third-party criminals, especially considering the myriad of abuse scenarios that could occur and the frequency at which policies are violated and crimes are committed. The activity monitoring tool is the latest major breakthrough in greatly reducing the likelihood that employees would actually attempt abuse, the ease of proving such abuse in the event that it occurs, and motivating employees to perform better.

Your contractor can pose a bigger threat than a hacker

There are a great many resources and types of hardware that could be used to prove, warn about, or suggest the possibility of abuse along with a plethora of tools for remote desktop tracking and hardware monitoring systems. Application activity monitoring will inform managers of what applications the employee has used as well as how much time he has spent on them, which could potentially indicate abnormal behavior. Video recordings of computer sessions produced by a desktop activity monitor could also demonstrate what an employee does in real-time and may reveal more than what mere desktop activity tracker statistics would reveal. Employee screenshot monitoring is a faster way of doing the same thing. If a manager is busy and doesn’t have enough time to devote to watching a whole session, screen capture monitoring software can provide the convenience of a glance through the employee’s eyes while suspiciously operating a program. It is also important to monitor printing activity and external device operations, since they could also suggest malicious behavior on the part of an employee.

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User monitoring software offers a company a leg up over the competition. And given how much companies have to lose with all the malpractice that occurs right under their nose, a company cannot afford to ignore what their employees are up to and just hope for the best. Companies that most value efficiency and security elect to utilize user activity monitoring.

Employee monitoring Productivity Risk management

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