SearchInform Revealed FileAuditor for Linux Infrastructures

From now on the DCAP-system is capable of classification vulnerable data kept on PCs with Linux OS.

SearchInform has launched the DCAP class system FileAuditor for Linux. From now on, IS experts can control any data storages, deployed in the open-source environments.

FileAuditor scans file storages, classifies files according to the content (personal details, agreements, bills, files with passwords etc.) and adds the appropriate labels. Basing on these labels the system obtains vulnerable content and monitors, where is it kept and who has access to it. Classification rules are configured in the easy designer and support 8 types of intellectual search, including content analysis OCR. Control of network folders and file servers is supported via network, control of users’ PCs is supported with the help of agent.

"We work hard to make sure that our solutions are cross-platform. FileAuditor had initially ensured audit of network storages on Linux, and from now on it ensures the complete control on all levels, ranging from file servers and common folders to users’ workstations.", – told Sergio Bertoni, the Leading Analyst at SearchInform. 

The pre-set classification rules have also been added to the system. There are more than 200 such rules, they are developed for personal data, financial documents, intellectual property etc. Each template can be modified according to the customer’s needs. Ready made rules ease the IS specialists’ work process and help to quickly and efficiently obtain data, falling into some groups initially, from the first activation and without additional configurations.

FileAuditor by SearchInform solution was developed in in 2019 for Windows. In 2022 version for MacOs was released. From now on scanning of all types of storages on Linux is available. What’s more, in agentless version the system analysis other data sources via FTP, SMB, DFS, NFS and NTFS protocols, supports ActiveDirectory and NetApp, seamlessly integrates with all Huawei OceanStore and Dorado storage area network. This makes DCAP system universal tool for control of confidential files in any infrastructure.

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