Countering corruption in preschool educational institutions - SearchInform

The fight against corruption in preschool educational institutions is aimed at eliminating actions that worsen the situation of preschoolers and their parents, which are committed by employees of preschool educational institutions in order to derive personal benefit.

Legal basis

The foundations of combating corruption at all levels of government, including in preschool educational institutions, are laid down in two documents:

  • the 2003 UN Convention on the fight against corruption, ratified by Russia;
  • federal law "On Combating Corruption".

On the basis of these two documents, preschool educational institutions adopt their plans to fight corruption. The manifestations of corruption in their activities are reduced to two aspects:

  • admission to an educational institution of children out of turn;
  • official forgery committed in the interests of third parties;
  • overpriced or poor quality procurement of materials, food, services.

The main reason for corruption is low salaries of employees, accompanied by a low level of control over their activities by the inspection organizations. In this regard, each preschool institution adopts an anti-corruption plan or program containing a list of key activities.

Implemented activities

The format of the Plan or Regulations is developed by the organization independently, its content must comply with the logic of the federal law. The list of implemented measures is common to all.

These include:

  • the appointment of persons responsible for combating corruption;
  • creation of a commission to consider the facts of corruption manifestations;
  • holding events on legal education for employees and parents of pupils - meetings, webinars, business games;
  • publication on the website of the preschool educational institution of information about the financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • organization of internal control of children's nutrition and training;
  • creation of a mechanism for public control over purchases;
  • comprehensive verification of parental complaints.

Anti-corruption work in preschool educational institutions should be systematic. The created commission must promptly respond to all signals and apply disciplinary measures, and, if necessary, and when the facts of criminal offenses are revealed, involve law enforcement agencies.

The implementation of measures should be controlled at the level of the regional education department. Based on the results of monitoring their effectiveness, decisions are made to strengthen the fight against corruption in certain areas.


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