Information security administrator instructions - SearchInform

A document containing information about job responsibilities is signed by each employee of the enterprise. Most often, it is an appendix to an employment contract.

The IB administrator's instruction consists of several sections:

1. General provisions - here indicate the purpose of the document, information about who the specialist is appointed and to whom he reports. List the requirements for qualifications, length of service, work experience, education and skills, professional skills. Also indicate a responsible employee who performs the duties of an information security specialist in his absence.

2. Functional responsibilities - a list of the main tasks of the employee. This is the main point in the employee's instructions for protecting information resources. It should be described in detail.

3. Responsibility - a list of rules for violation of which a confidential information security specialist is responsible. The types of punishments for a certain misconduct and the normative legal acts on the basis of which they are applied are also listed.

4. Working conditions - this section most often describes the internal regulations.


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