Information technology security in law enforcement - SearchInform

Public safety requires scrupulous maintenance of the secrecy of the investigation, the peculiarities of conducting search actions, and ensuring the safety of information. The security of information technologies in the law enforcement sphere is becoming a key task of the involved divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, investigation, and the FSB.

Information security objectives

The interest of the underworld in obtaining information about the actions of law enforcement officers is expressed in attempts to steal documents, obtain operational information or access databases.

It is necessary to resolve the issues:

  • safety of data on paper;
  • safety of operational information;
  • integrity and confidentiality of information contained in databases of law enforcement agencies.

Information security methods

To solve the problems of ensuring the security of information technologies in the law enforcement sphere, software and hardware and organizational measures are used. Law enforcement technologies are often the subject of state secrets. Protections are designed specifically for use in specific agencies and are not marketed. Solving the problem of data security is becoming a key task for government agencies.


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