Information and analytical security system - SearchInform

Information and analytical security system

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The organization that owns valuable information, services available to ensure its protection. The activity of such units is based on the information and analytical system (IAS) for ensuring security. Its task is to collect and analyze information related to the activities of the company and its competitors, assess the threats of information leakage from the system, as well as possible consequences. Based on the results of the activities of information and analytical services (intelligence in business), the management of the company makes decisions regarding the strengthening of information security measures.

IAS functions

The service is responsible for processing the collected data and drawing up reports on the results of "intelligence".

The functions of information and analytical services are:

  • forecasting the activities of competitors, which may affect the interests of the firm;
  • constant monitoring of market development trends;
  • protection of collected information, timely receipt of data necessary to ensure the general information security of the company.
  • search for reliable sources of up-to-date and reliable information related to the safety of the company.

Information processed in the IAS

Business. This includes economic and statistical data on exchange rates, the value of securities, investments, etc. They are provided by banks, financial exchanges, brokerage companies.

Scientific and technical (professional). Associated with medicine, production and sale of drugs, education, activities of legal organizations. Such information is also scientific data and information about engineering technologies and inventions.

Consumer. It includes news about the development of electronic technologies and telecommunications, commercial proposals in the system of rendering services to the population, business ideas for the organization of entertainment centers.

Who collects and analyzes information

The collection and analysis of information is included in the scope of the information and analytical department of the security service.

Such work may also involve:

  • government services and departments that collect statistical data in the labor organization system are responsible for its safety (Federal Inspectorate under the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Financial Monitoring and others);
  • individuals and agencies entitled to engage in information intelligence and analytical work in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities";
  • information brokers are professionals in the collection and sale of information on a commercial basis. On the instructions of clients (information and analytical services), they search for information in database management systems, analyze stock news, compare facts, prepare recommendations for creating information security;
  • independent services and centers that collect information for the media.

Automated information and analytical security systems are becoming increasingly important. Such AIS is capable of processing large amounts of information using computer technology. Such systems can ensure the security of information storage using software and hardware.

The work of information and analytical systems is related to ensuring the security of data that are of particular importance to enterprises. Analysis of information affecting the interests of the organization ensures their successful operation. Based on the results of the information intelligence of the security service, management plans and implements the maximum protection of the valuable materials on which the prestige and financial condition of the organization depends.


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