How do companies make a shift to remote work? - SearchInform



SearchInform has conducted a research on companies’ experience in shifting to remote work and keeping business processes going.

The analysis demonstrates the approach to overcoming current obstacles and gives statistics on how businesses have already been impacted by taking urgent measures.

Businesses tend to move only those employees who can work remotely, monitor workers by making calls and receiving daily reports from them instead of controlling remote teams with the help of time tracking software or DLP systems. The research emphasises that many companies are of the opinion that the number of internal and external incidents remained the same, whereas some claim that internal violations became less frequent while external attacks became more aggressive.

The majority of businesses saw the change in the amount of working hours, the answers were distributed almost equally by those who said the workday became longer and those who admitted that employees worked fewer hours after the company went remote. 1/3 of respondents noticed a drop in performance.


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