Blog - SearchInform


Round-Up of Severe Data Leaks in Asia


In this weekly review of data security incidents, you’ll find details on the alleged theft of identity cards data in Malaysia and an incident with the cloud storage provider in Hong Kong.

Round-Up of Severe Data Leaks in Asia


In this weekly review of data security incidents, you’ll find details on the alleged theft of identity cards data in Malaysia and an incident with the cloud storage provider in Hong Kong.

Personal data Confidential documents

Check Out Your Password


In our latest cyber news review, we are going to share with you the key takeaways from recent studies on password management habits and ATO attacks.

Risk assessment Personal data Human factor

Connected Devices Remain the Most Popular Data Leakage Channel


SearchInform together with its partner NEXTA ÇÖZÜM surveyed representatives of 100 Turkish leading companies to find out how their experts ensure data leaks protection, whether they are planning to increase data security budgets and what data channels their security officers consider the riskiest.

Risk management Email Devices

(In)Secure Digest: The Case of Classic Phishing Attack, Scammers Among the Team and the Dangerous Vulnerability


In this November digest we gathered interesting and illustrative incidents related to data leaks, fraud and hacks.

Personal data Fraud Former employees

Ways to Ensure Children’s Safety on the Internet: Cybersecurity Experts’ Views and Advice


On the occasion of World Children’s Day, we share an article, containing recommendations and a few tools, which can help to protect children from inappropriate content on the Internet.

Risk management Risk assessment Personal data

Deepfake Science Basics: How are They Created and how to Detect Them


Alex Drozd, CISO of SeachInform, sheds light on deepfakes and how they are created.

Risk management Risk assessment

(In)Secure Digest: a Leak via Contractor, Hack of Airline and Case of Corporate Fraud


At the end of the month, traditionally, we’ve  gathered a selection of high-profile IS incidents.

Personal data Insider Former employees

Which Aspects of Information Security it’s Crucial to Address for SMEs?


Learn more about the methods of cyber-attacks that SMEs owners should be aware of.

Fraud Risk management Internal threat

Cyber Attack Detection: What are the Risks of Delay in the Detection and Response and how to Speed up the Attack Discovery Process?


Read the article to find out how to detect a cyber attack just in time and what are the best practices are for detecting cyber attacks.

Risk assessment Risk management Fraud

A Case in Point: You’ve got Mail


Recently, it was the birthday of electronic mail. To celebrate the occasion, we would like to share the case study from our practice that involves email.

Risk assessment Investigation DLP

(In)Secure Digest: Pizza Lovers' Data Theft, a Million-dollar Fine and Aircraft Suppliers’ Data Leak


It's time for the traditional monthly review of "classic" and non-trivial IS incidents reported by the media.

Personal data Insider Internal threat

Not all the DLP Solutions are Equally Useful: How to Choose the System and not be Disappointed


In this article we will examine, DLP class systems reproaches are fair and which ones are unfair and will reveal, which limitations are typical for all DLP systems and which are in fact disadvantages of some specific products.

DLP Risk management Risk assessment

E-mail Compromise: How to Protect Business Against BEC-attacks


The senior analyst at SearchInform, Sergio Bertoni reveals, why BEC attacks are so popular and how to protect against them.

Email Fraud Risk assessment

SearchInform Solutions’ 2023 Updates: Migration to PostgreSQL, Informative Metrics and Control of FTP Connected Servers


In the digest on SearchInform solutions’ updates we’ve gathered details on a few major updates up to date.

Risk management Messengers, social media, apps DCAP

How to Train Employees in Information Security Related Issues Efficiently


In this article, Sergio Luis Bertoni, Leading Analyst at SearchInform will share my observations, based on the practical experience in the sphere of educational courses development.

Internal threat Human factor Risk management

A Case in Point: Set a Search Rule to Catch a Thief


It's time to present a compelling case study that underscores the criticality of maintaining comprehensive visibility into your organization's file system.

DCAP Internal audit Internal threat

(In)Secure digest: “shadowy” Amazon, de-anonymization of Northern Ireland police officers and pseudo-hackers


Plenty of confidential data related incidents happened this month: in Australia, the data of participants in a cybersecurity survey was inadvertently disclosed, in Northern Ireland data on all police officers was disclosed, and in India, an employee was caught leaking data (once again).

Personal data Insider Fraud

SearchInform SIEM system – out-of-the box analytics and proactive incident management


Nowadays, the number of both internal and external information security threats is growing steadily. Employees in charge of numerous organizations worldwide tend to understand the necessity to implement a SIEM class solution, which detects security events within the digital infrastructure.

Risk management Risk assessment Internal threat

(In)Secure Digest: a patented data leak, Bangladeshi open register and water treatment plant hack


The time has come to find out if July was full with information security incidents. In our traditional digest we've gathered the most memorable incidents.

Risk management Insider Former employees

A case in point: The thirst for revenge


Over the years of working, we have collected a large number of interesting cases. Some of them are amusing, some of them are surprising, but most of them has prevented serious losses for our clients. So, we figured: Why not share them with you?

Internal threat Risk assessment Risk management

Sales Manager Training for Partners


Yamen Mustafa, Regional Managing Director Middle East and North Africa and Mohamed Salah Sayari, International Sales Manager and Business Development African Network, will provide a Sales training for our partners.

Human Vulnerabilities in Cyber Security


As technology continues to advance, one persistent problem remains: the vulnerability of humans to cyberattacks.

Risk assessment Risk management Third party

(In)Secure Digest: theft of national secrets, a rogue VPN, and a fine for security guards' curiosity


Here's our monthly roundup of noteworthy information security incidents from June.

Personal data Internal threat Former employees

Implementation department specialists' workdays: millions of questions and the requirement to know literally everything


Implementation department employees can help customers to quickly manage to work with our solutions and benefit as much as possible from the software usage.

Risk management Human factor DLP



MSSP vs MDR: what should you choose? This article will help you understand which one suits to your business needs better.

Risk assessment Risk management Compliance

Risks of neural networks and chat bots usage


SearchInform expert reveals artificial intelligence usage related risks and shares advice on how to mitigate them.

Human factor Risk management Machine learning

How to put on a vacation


Summer is a really busy time for us. A lot of flights, trips, and then... well, vacations! For CISOs, the travel and vacation period can be a very difficult time. That’s why we implement a few strategies to ensure secure access and help employees not to forget all the IS rules while they're on the road. Let's have a look at the checklist and find out, how we do it.


(In)secure digest: data leaks with mileage, refuse to use AI and hack of an account


The time has come for our traditional gather of so-called classic and extraordinary information security incidents, which were reported by mass media. In this digest we’ll reveal details on the following cases: data incident, which had lasted for ten years; hack of account of the employee, who hasn’t even set to work; unexpected cyber holidays.

Risk Management Certification


Let's consider one of the most significant frameworks for managing risk is ISO 31000, an international standard that provides principles, best practices, and guidelines for managing risk in organizations.

Risk management Risk assessment Compliance

More than half of companies limit their protection with nominal information security literacy


A research on how companies prefer to train employees in information security and what methods do they implement

Human factor Compliance Risk management

(In)Secure digest: if there was the “Darwin Award” in information security sphere – 2023 edition


In this April compilation, you’ll find details on aquarium fraudsters, the financial manager, who squandered the company's money, "super-secure" apps, but something went wrong with them and much more.



What is the difference between EPP and EDR? Do they complement each other or they should be used separately?

PCI certification


PCI DSS and PCI Certification: All You Need to Know

Personal data Compliance Confidential documents

Certified Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)


Сybersecurity and risk management certification: ISACA and ISC

Risk management Risk assessment

Best Digital Forensics Certifications


The article helps you answer the three most important questions when choosing the right IT security and digital forensics certification.

(In)secure digest: enormous data leaks and insider’s revelations


The time has come to discuss major data realted incidents, which happened in February.

Personal data Confidential documents Database

Which sources should be controlled by the SIEM system first of all?


It is very useful to maximize the SIEM system load to make sure that you won’t face a situation when something does not work appropriately in the real-life circumstances.

Risk assessment review

The SearchInform DLP deals with the smartphone threat


Learn how the SearchInform DLP functionality helps to detect, whether an insider has a smartphone in hands.

Internal threat Insider Employee monitoring

What Are the Major Security Threats That Can Be Expected Through an Email?


Learn more about the email risks and how to counter them.

The SearchInform DLP detects phishing and why would you need this functionality in the DLP class tool?


Learn how the atypical DLP functionalty enhances your corporate protection.

DLP Email

(In)secure post New Year digest: “temporary” failures, corporate insider and data on everyone


The time has come to discuss what happened while we were on a vacation.

Database Employee monitoring Insider

SIEM: Use Cases


We will examine more precisely top SIEM use cases.

review Risk assessment Compliance

UEBA: Use Cases


UEBA systems and reveal their peculiarities

User behavior Human factor Employee monitoring

Resonant cases of data leakages in APAC region


There is a step change taking place in the number of data-related incidents and that is critical.

Employee monitoring

In(secure) digest: lost accounts, compensations for mega leaks and “quick as the wind” leaks


This time we’ve gathered data on serious incidents: attacks on large companies, phishing, forgetful employees, whose actions led to the loss of clients’ data.

ransomware Third party Human factor

Notifiable Privacy Breaches


What is required to do if a data breach incident somehow takes place?

Compliance Personal data DLP

MSSP Business Model


What is MSSP? When and for whom is it helpful?

Employee monitoring Risk management Compliance

Cyber Threats to National Security


National Cybersecurity: this is how the cyber threat has intensified

ransomware Risk assessment

What Are the Major Security Threats That Can Be Expected Through an Email?


Typical email threats and how to counter them

Email ransomware

Data Loss Prevention Use Cases


This article will help you to learn how to avoid losing data.

DCAP DLP Human factor

Benefits of Managed Security Services


How to implement efficient information security protection with MSSP?

in(Secure) digest: stellar social engineering, exposed servers and giants under attacks


The most resonant information security incidents in our October digest: Toyota’s contractor exposed part of the code, an undercover astronaut, Australian companies experiencing cyberattacks, a massive Microsoft clients’ data leak.

Personal data

Cybersecurity Statistics


Numerous cybersecurity issues: serious threats to businesses

Human factor ransomware Risk management

Recent Cyber Incidents


Rise in ransomware attacks and global threats

DLP Fraud ransomware

Famous Data Breaches


General Data Protection Regulation, fines, real cases.

Insider Threat Awareness


Types of insider threats and insider threat mitigation.

Insider Employee monitoring Human factor

Recent Security Breaches


Young employees, zero trust security and other security breach risks.

Employee monitoring ransomware Third party

Healthcare Cyber Attacks


What makes healthcare organizations a popular target for cyber attacks?

Compliance Personal data ransomware

Financial Fraud Cases


The biggest investment fraudsters


Leaked Credit Card


The most significant cases.

Personal data Third party Email

Best Network Security Software


What should you look for when choosing a provider of best network security software?

Risk assessment Risk management

(in)Secure digest: boredom motivated attacks, love to fines and ethical hack


We’ve compiled a selection of information security incidents, which became publicly known in September. Here we have: trustful employees, hack for joy and Morgan Stanley bank holding, which seems to enjoy paying fines for clients’ data losses.

Risk management Human factor Investigation

Cybersecurity Report


The biggest challenges and greatest threats in IT security.

Human factor ransomware Employee monitoring

Fraud Cases


How to detect some common types of fraud and what may you do about it

Fraud Risk assessment Human factor

Outsourcing Security Services


Internal and external information security personnel

Risk management Compliance

Cybersecurity Threats and Issues 2022


Records and trends in cybersecurity.

ransomware Personal data Compliance

Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure


Critical infrastructure: current situation and best cybersecurity practices

DLP Risk assessment Employee monitoring

Best Practices for Network Security


The ultimate guide to securing your industrial network using the best network security practices

Cybersecurity Investigations


What is required to conduct a cybersecurity investigation

Investigation Insider Risk assessment

Examples of Cybercrime Cases


What is cybercrime and examples of a few biggest cybercrimes

Fraud ransomware Email

Biggest Cyber Attacks in History


An overview of some of the most notorious cyberattacks

Emerging Cyber Threats


An overview of cyber threats, endangering companies and organizations worldwide in 2022.

Human factor Fraud Insider

Data Privacy Day


What is The European Data Protection Day and why data privacy is so important

Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats


What are the bigget information security threats this year?

Insider Email Fraud

Best SIEM Tools


What is a SIEM system and how to choose one?

Risk management Compliance

Worst Data Breaches


Prerequisites and consequences of data breaches

Biggest Corporate Frauds


An overview of some biggest cases of corporate frauds in history.

Fraud Personal data User behavior

Best Computer Security Protection


How to ensure best computer security protection?

Devices Fraud

Best Endpoint Protection


What is an efficient endpoint protection and a slight overvierw of best solutions.

Devices Fraud Blocking

(In)secure digest: the smell of data leaks, deep fake in the Zoom and an option of becoming the nobility member for only €1000


In August many employees are still on a vacation, however, this doesn’t refer to fraudsters, judicial and law enforcement system representatives. In our traditional digest among other you’ll find – one more shot in the foot and another example of peoples’ craving for a fairy tale.

Personal data Fraud Human factor

Insider Threat Statistics for 2022 The seriousness of insider threat


What is an insider threat and who is an insider? What types of insider threats exist? How to detect an insider threat and what is required to do in order to mitigate risks? You may refere to the article and find out.

Insider Risk assessment Internal threat

(In)secure digest: lawsuit for leaks, insidious phishing and record leak of personal data


The time has come to discuss if July was full with cyber incidents. As usual, we’ve gathered the most impressive cases, reported by mass media. Here we have unreliable suppliers, long-suffering Marriott, experiencing new data leaks and not very responsible personal data operator, which seems not to care about clients at all.

Risk management Personal data Investigation

(In)secure digest: personal data newsletter, hacked state services and endangered farmers


The time has come to reveal some “classic” and non-trivial information security incidents. As usual, we’ve gathered some of the most impressive cases of the month in our digest.

Important trends in corporate security


In this article we continue to deal with the topic of corporate security, and we’ll provide a slight overview of some information security trends and advice on how top-managers may eliminate the ongoing risks.

New concept of organization’s security


It seems that the time has come to elaborate new approach to the concept of organization security

Internal audit Human factor User behavior

I resolve to… leave those security errors for good in 2021


The resolutions for businesses to begin the New Year without old mistakes finally cleaning up the awareness mess which never seems to be untangled

Risk assessment Risk management Investigation

Business continuity and information security integration


How to make security part of a general risk prevention and mitigation program

Risk management Risk assessment Investigation

Major fraud cases in healthcare revealed this year


Pfizer discovers an insider working for a competitor, whereas Genentech hit the news with a deep-rooted story months ago.

Insider Risk management Fraud

What kind of DLP system do you need in 2022?


David Balaban reflects on the DLP vendors' race for attention, adding of new features, sometimes going beyond the boundaries.

DLP Investigation Human factor

The more they know the less they care


More and more people are unwilling to share their personal data with third parties

Messengers, social media, apps Personal data Third party

Facebook security upgrade decision leaked


The company decided to exempt a number of employees from groups which have access to internal message boards.

Messengers, social media, apps Risk management Third party

How to tell the difference between a phishing email and a real one?


Don't become a phisher’s target, it's avoidable.

Email Risk management Personal data

Multi-party breaches vs third-party related incidents


Ripple events are nearly untraceable and affect hundreds of companies

Third party Risk management Confidential documents

Data overexposed in manufacturing sector


The relevant statistics and most common security issues in 2021 so far

DCAP DLP Confidential documents

How to configure DLP and not to overlook a leak


How efficient are DLP systems with preset configurations? Can a system be configured once and for good? Learn how to adjust the settings here.

DLP Employee monitoring Risk management

Top 5 actions to be taken by CEO to increase cybersecurity


Top 5 actions to be taken by CEO to increase cybersecurity and employee trust in the company

Employee monitoring Risk assessment User behavior

Trello boards indexed by major search engines put at peril business processes of Russian companies


Almost a million Trello boards, thousands of which contain corporate data of large and small Russian companies, were publicly available.

User behavior Messengers, social media, apps Risk management

Not all DLP systems are equally helpful


How to choose a system and not to get disappointed

DLP Risk management Internal audit

Why FileAuditor? SearchInform customer gives an elaborate answer


SearchInform customer – scientific technological pharmaceutical company Polysan – has deployed FileAuditor, a DCAP system, and shared the first impression with the company.

DCAP DLP Internal audit

A "remote" reminder


Don't set it loose when it comes to data security

Remote employees DLP Risk management

Outsourcing the role of information security officer


A piece of insight into infosec as an MSSP solution

Risk assessment Internal audit Cloud

Order in your files and folders: how to organize access control and protection against leaks


Expansion of the IT infrastructure complicates controlling who accesses, copies, moves from folders, and deletes information. In case company's confidential files and folders are not organized, it's almost impossible to keep that data secure. The task is solved with specialized DCAP systems.

review DCAP

(In) Secure digest: the hit parade of the most comical infosecurity incidents


The most comical infosecurity incidents to laugh and learn from it. Enjoy, but tread carefully!

Investigation Fraud Human factor

Blocking that does not slow down business processes


Interview with Sergey Ozhegov, CEO of SearchInform

Blocking Risk assessment Internal threat

Is the system really hidden on an endpoint? All about invisible DLP control and where its cloak of invisibility loses powers


The DLP doesn’t function in a hidden mode for nothing: on the one hand, it doesn’t interfere with the work of respectable employees, on the other hand, it helps to catch insiders off guard.

Employee monitoring Risk management DLP

Fraudsters won’t miss a chance — what threats to people and business remain in 2021


The “Roaring 20s” is no longer a euphemism from the last century, in the 21st the new decade also began loudly.

Employee monitoring Risk assessment Risk management

How to detect an employee accepting kickbacks using DLP?


Proven schemes for searching for corrupt individuals in the company.

Fraud Risk assessment Internal threat

How to surf the flow of information security events: use SIEM system correctly


Security Information and Event Management works on the principle of video surveillance. Cameras stand for connectors that collect data from hardware and software, whereas the object of the surveillance is an IT infrastructure featuring PCs, network devices, and servers. When configured properly, SIEM simplifies the monitoring of information security. How to organize the work, what to control first, and how to respond to incidents? - we will answer these questions using the example of SearchInfo

Risk management Internal threat Devices

(In)Secure digest: default passwords, sensitive info for free, and phisher salary.


Every month we collect "classic" and non-trivial incidents on Infosecurity across the world and in Russia in particular. Here is our first digest for 2021.

Employee monitoring Fraud Risk management

Insider check: could you be damage to your company?


The test will define you as a certain type of insider. Remember: any employee could become a culprit of a leak, however, circumstances are different. We don’t mean to pretend “scientific”, we intend to make this test entertaining and informative.

Insider Internal threat Risk management

Legal monitoring, smartphones control and your employee personal portrait


These and other ticklish issues regarding the launch of information security solution within your system.

DLP Employee monitoring Devices

Why does healthcare require the severest cybersecurity measures?


Innovations are designed to improve the quality of service and save time for patients and doctors, however, doctors and patients realize how vulnerable medical information is.

2020 infosec in pictures


You've been with us all this year and you remember all 2020 news we've shared with you. Let's smile and frown at it together!

Fraud Personal data Risk management

FAQ: Frequently Asked and Finally Answered


15 questions the monitoring solution developer responds to during seminars.

Employee monitoring Productivity Cloud

How much can a GDPR breach cost you?


Non-compliance could cost companies dearly

Compliance Risk management Personal data

(In)secure digest: Tesla sabotage, hospital blackmailer and excessively patriotic President


Every month we enrich our collection of classic and non-trivial cybersecurity cases. Data leaks, frauds, sabotage, and other incidents caused by insiders are of our interest.

Human factor Risk management Confidential documents

Indian companies chose cloud


83% of companies chose cloud to deal with cybersecurity issues of remote work quick

Cloud Employee monitoring Remote employees

How much can a former employee cost you?


Keeping the accounts of dismissed employees active and failing to revoke excessive rights might be one of the biggest mistakes a company can make.

Employee monitoring Confidential documents Compliance

(In) Secure digest: the science of information security, death cyberattack, and bank leaks


We collected "classic" and non-trivial incidents reported by foreign media

Risk assessment Devices Risk management

10 questions about the DLP system: why do I need it, what can I do, and what can't I do?


Today DLP system’s purpose is not just monitoring data leaks as it was in the beginning - now DLP systems are commonly used to solve a much broader list of problems.

DLP Employee monitoring Risk management

Rights and wrongs when creating profile


How can you analyse employee personality and steer clear of breaching privacy?

Employee monitoring Personal data Compliance

Data breaches analysis


SearchInform analysed breaches that occurred in the first half of 2020.

Personal data Risk management Compliance

Database Monitor access control management


SearchInform Database Monitor is a database activity monitoring software, which purpose is to mitigate an insider breach.

Database Employee monitoring Risk management

Data Protection in the Cloud


Security innovations and strict compliance are key in achieving the utmost security for your cloud data.

Database Cloud Risk management

The Darwin Awards in Information Security World


...or 7 stories about stupidity, careless work, credulity and their consequences

Risk management Human factor Risk assessment

What is confidential information and how does it affect your finances?


There is an edifying example, which proves common knowledge that there is many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip.

Confidential documents Compliance Personal data

Use case: user behavior and insider detection


Insider threat is a tough and quirky menace to track down and pin.

Confidential documents Investigation Internal audit

Use case: eDiscovery


Proper information governance facilitates data search and analysis required for internal investigation.

Confidential documents Investigation Internal audit

Use case: file cleanup


In order to transform disorganized data into valuable insights you certainly need a powerful tool, which will assist you in file analysis ensuring frequent information verification.

Confidential documents Personal data Internal audit

Ensuring security and compliance in multi-departmental teams


As different departments have their own specific risk management frameworks they lack correlation and coordination - enterprise risk management ensures consistency.

Risk management Compliance Confidential documents

If a data breach - then data protection tips


A detailed check-list of actions to take in order to save the data

Two important data protection questions to answer: Why and How to protect data at rest, in motion and in use


A short explanation why to protect your sensitive data, types of data and advice on how to protect data at rest, in motion and in use.

Key features of employee monitoring software


Are you sure that your employees do not goof off? Are you sure your employees are not idling away precious hours of productivity they rather spend on work-related tasks?

Employee monitoring Risk assessment Personal data

User activity audit, investigation


There are so many contextual factors to sift through that actually finding the newest threat and eliminating it is an encumbering job.

Investigation Internal audit Risk assessment



Regulatory internet data laws you should be aware of and maintain compliance with

Compliance Personal data Confidential documents

Use case: access control and change management


The solution boosts risk assessment ensuring that access rights are properly managed and privileged user activity is under control, data access policies are in place and kept updated.

Risk management Compliance Internal audit

Data protection and classification


The massive impact of access to your data being obtained and an outsider security risk materializing cannot be overstated.

Access rights audit


Our data need insurance, and just like we have to cover every other potential risk that we couldn’t afford compensating for if it materialized, we need to conduct a security audit of our sensitive data.

Impactful data breaches in 2020 so far


Sometimes people do the simplest cyber security mistakes, namely, misconfiguring a database or using the same password for their bank account that they used for their social media

Life changing risks pentesters take to help you boost security (cont.)


The very courthouse that they broke into last night and now they’re sitting in the courthouse waiting to see the judge.

Investigation Risk assessment Third party

Life changing risks pentesters take to help you boost security


Conducting a penetration test on a courthouse and defending in front of a judge in the same building a few hours after – this is what happened to two pentesters working under contract.

Risk assessment Third party Investigation

Businesses’ role in cyber security and threat prevention


The financial service company sector is targeted more than any other industry, as attacks against them account for over a quarter of cyberattacks.

Personal data Compliance DLP

Mobile device encryption


Businesses realized the important role devices play as long ago as 2004, thus giving rise to mobile device management, a set of tools and practices that allow administrators to manage devices, apps, and increase device security.

Encryption Devices Risk management

How to stop hackers


Hacking isn’t quite as flashy as in the movies and it takes a major time investment on the criminal’s part, however it is every bit as damaging and threatening to companies as it is portrayed

Insider Employee monitoring Risk management

Corporate espionage


A little-known evil that is occurring today is the phenomenon of industrial espionage. In fact, this is a problem that has been around for quite some time.

Fraud Internal threat Insider

Internet privacy laws and regulations


One of the greatest challenges in the world today is making the Internet a secure place.

Compliance Database Risk management

The cloud services revolution


Conducting software and web operations is an expensive endeavor indeed.

Cloud Database Encryption

The information security team


Cyber criminals are working very hard to discover top-secret company information in order to sabotage it or sell the information to other companies.

Risk management Risk assessment Internal threat

Security in an ever more connected world


We live in a world that is forever shrinking, and the more connected we become to the things in our environment, the more convenient our errands and everyday work become.

Devices Cloud Risk assessment

How to detect suspicious activity in databases till information gets exported


As SearchInform releases Database Monitor we want to detail the way to use the DAM solution so that violating access rights and making changes to sensitive documents become transparent for those responsible for risk mitigation and data protection.

Database Confidential documents Personal data

The CIA and its major security incident


This year the processing of the court case considering the employee who breached the CIA's data in 2016 to WikiLeaks has been resumed

Employee monitoring Risk assessment Confidential documents

Monitoring solution in the cloud


According to the research conducted by SearchInform, each company detected a user attempt to take at least some corporate data, whereas only 26% controlled employee activity with the help of monitoring software.

Cloud Employee monitoring Risk management

Database access audit


The solution for protection of information stored in databases monitors data export and user requests and alerts to any change

Database Employee monitoring Confidential documents

To be applied... New apps, new laws


Will the privacy limits be reconsidered? Dedigitisation as utopia

Personal data Messengers, social media, apps Devices

How to measure the performance of remote and onsite employees


Going remote is a challenge, and work discipline might “shiver”. There is a chance that as soon as employees put on slippers and robes they will feel too comfortable and that will impact the quality of their performance.

Employee monitoring DLP Risk management

Reducing risks and staying alright


Providing your employees with guidance

Remote employees Employee monitoring User behavior

How do crisis and stress affect your team?


The need to transfer employees to remote work appeared to be one of the reasons to get stressed - businesses have to make such a transition to avoid losses and try to keep it going for as long as required.

Remote employees Employee monitoring Human factor

The ways companies risk security in a crisis: external threats


Pandemic, oil collapse, global economic crisis, there are enough reasons for concern in 2020. However, these are not the only factors that will influence businesses all over the world.

The ways companies risk security in a crisis: internal threats


According to the research by SearchInform, 100% of companies identified the attempts of employees to take corporate data during the first months of using the company’s services

The rise of virtual private networks


Everyone is well aware that criminals on the internet are becoming savvier every day.

Risk management Remote employees Confidential documents

Have companies managed to shift to remote work?


SearchInform has conducted a research on companies’ experience in shifting to remote work and keeping business processes going.

Remote employees Employee monitoring Risk management

Staying ahead of malware


With all the benefits that the worldwide connectivity of the Internet offers, so too come the vulnerabilities.

Risk management Confidential documents Risk assessment

Social engineering prevention


When cyber criminals target organizations, their target normally is people themselves, because they can be manipulated. 70 to 90 percent of data breaches occur as a result of social engineering.

Email Risk assessment Human factor

Server performance monitoring


In order for a website to operate, a database to be accessed from a distance, or e-mails to be facilitated, there must be a server to power this process.

Employee monitoring Risk management Internal audit

Common unethical business practices


We live in a world full of risks and individuals who are willing to do others harm when an opportunity for personal gain presents itself.

Employee monitoring Fraud Insider

As businesses keep staying remote. Use cases


Which instruments can be installed and how do they help?

Risk management Employee monitoring Remote employees

Software security and efficiency


With all of the programs the ordinary user has installed on his computer, users are frequently proposed to have a software update performed.

Remote employees DLP Employee monitoring

As businesses keep staying remote


The insight into key threats and brief reminder why you shouldn't set it loose.

Remote employees Employee monitoring Risk management

Setting up access to company files


Due to potential social engineering and the fact that many losses that companies suffer are related to employees, access control system installation is a major factor in ensuring company security.

Remote work: the way of the future?


Nobody would deny that the world is going digital. Like it or not, things are becoming ever more automated as technology facilitates business processes to an ever larger degree.

Remote employees Employee monitoring Productivity

Access control


We all know very well that companies have their secrets as to the way they operate and that companies are always interested in the state of their security and potential losses

Database DLP Internal audit

Compliance issues in the workplace


One of the ways that companies are gaining more success and reducing crime is through compliance issue management – compliance on all policy, in a broad spectrum of areas.

Compliance Risk assessment Risk management

Personal data protection


Despite the greater amount of opportunities and convenience that the Internet provides us, we also find ourselves vulnerable in the event that we fall victim to an Internet scams.

Risk management


No matter what you do in life, there are always risks. And this is a good thing, because without risk, there is no potential reward.

Risk management Risk assessment DLP

Social engineering attacks


With how connected the Internet is today, a lot of information that we couldn’t afford to share is potentially within the grasp of the most inventive malicious predators online.

Investigation Personal data Risk management

Risk management in healthcare


Our health information is a private issue. For a number of reasons, people’s health information being shared could result in negative consequences.

Employee monitoring Risk management Confidential documents

Project management tools


Project management software also provides us a range of benefits, from scheduling events to creating project plans, and there are certain methods and tools that, if taken into account, provide a multitude of benefits and evade numerous risks that make it worth obtaining

Employee monitoring Productivity User behavior

Employee time tracking


On both fronts, time tracking software stands to render the lives of employees and employers much easier.

Employee monitoring DLP Productivity

Employee monitoring software: is it illegal?


The first question one might ponder is: “Is it illegal to monitor employees’ computers?” The issue of employee monitoring has become a bit of a contested topic in recent years.

Employee monitoring Remote employees DLP

Have you got everything fixed?


Look at our brief reminder and maintain vigilance

Cloud DLP Employee monitoring

Indispensable services during lockdown


Solutions we use for remote working and industries we need for isolated living

Remote employees Cloud Devices

Remote work creates tendencies


Is your business among them?

Remote employees Cloud Productivity

Morrisons' implication has been ruled out


And the company might “set precedent”, according to The Telegraph

Employee monitoring Fraud Insider

Is there a safe way of using apps?


And what is more dangerous: spyware or mere negligence when using digital services?

Messengers, social media, apps Human factor User behavior

Five sectors that benefit most from employee monitoring software


Improvements in technology have radically changed the way we work

Employee monitoring Human factor Risk management

2019: trends and breaches


This autumn, experts have counted 5183 data breaches around the world compromising 7.9 billion records, and 2019 was claimed to be the worst in the history of data leakage.

Employee monitoring Former employees Personal data

How to max out SearchInform services


Do you consider launching comprehensive monitoring of your internal business processes and even reinvent business continuity management strategy but aren’t sure you want to delve into risk management program and hire extra staff, assign your specialists to the new job and purchase the system to integrate it with your business architecture and implement all the control? If you do – read and learn how to establish a smoothly supervized workflow and not to the detriment of your primary activities.

Risk management Employee monitoring Investigation

Deepfake: when audio forged by social engineering becomes a global threat


According to Gartner, by 2022 30% of all the cyberattacks could be targeted at damaging data, which is the material for neural network algorithm manipulations, as well as at the theft of ready-made machine learning examples.

Machine learning Fraud Investigation

Wanted: who is the most dangerous employee in a bank?


They all work with different information, dealing with data at rest and data in use, have their own tasks and use specific instruments.

Employee monitoring User behavior Personal data

Voice assistants risk assessment


Voice assistants became subject to investigative journalism — a few high profile publications made readers think twice before using a “helper” or even talking close to the microphone. And that is what we have learned this year.

Devices Third party Personal data

Data at rest encryption


Whether your data encryption is on your computer, a flash drive, on a cloud, or includes your entire disc, proper encryption and management are essential to keep your resources and data safe and ensure that you maintain compliance.

Encryption Database Risk management

What is a DLP system? How do active DLP systems work in 2019?


Although everyone is aware of risks that their data could be stolen, this is only the beginning of the IT risks companies must safeguard themselves from.

DLP Personal data Cloud

Data protection


Business processes are migrating into a virtual environment, and companies have long started to keep e-document flow while introducing new management technologies.

Confidential documents Messengers, social media, apps Risk management

Data forensics


When most people hear the word “forensics”, what usually comes to peoples’ minds right away is that it will involve somebody in a lab and a white coat working long hours.

User behavior Fraud Employee monitoring

Protecting information on flash drives | how to protect files on flash drives


A joint study of Illinois and Michigan universities revealed that 48% of people plug in random flash drives. We have selected the main points and findings which prove that the user behaviour plays an important role in protecting information.

Devices Confidential documents Database

Risk management matrix


We take risks every day, from the moment we wake up until we go to bed at night, as they are a normal part of life.

Risk management Risk assessment

What is an insider threat detection program?


Although we all hope that we can trust each of our employees and that it will never happen to us, the truth is that malicious insiders are a relevant risk in today’s corporate world.

Internal threat Insider Risk management

What is data at rest?


Under the conditions of today’s digital climate, sooner or later your information will eventually find its way into the wrong hands.

Database Employee monitoring Confidential documents

Main aspects of information security


Corporate security is not a new phenomenon. What we now understand as corporate security has existed since the emergence of trade. Merchants sought to protect their professional secrets from competitors in order not to lose profits.

Risk assessment Confidential documents Internal threat

Security risk management assessments


Security risk assessments are performed for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing risks associated with a company’s use and operation of information systems to its operations and assets.

Risk management Risk assessment Internal threat

Employee monitoring issues


Business ethics are the contemporary norms, set of values, and principles guiding the actions and behavior of employees at the companies they work for from a legal and moral standpoint.

Employee monitoring Productivity

Employment of friends and relatives


The Sales Department had not been fulfilling a plan for three months. The reasons were unobvious: it was a business season, and there were no issues with the discipline and skills of the employees, but the number of deals has decreased.

Employee monitoring Risk assessment Internal threat

Detection and mitigation of internal corporate risks


The meaning of risk is the possibility of loss. Thus, what risk management entails is the process of identifying, analyzing, assessing, and prioritizing risk.

Internal threat Risk management Confidential documents

Risk assessment matrices


With the plethora of risks that accompany running a business, it is much more practical to have everything organized in written form or, better yet, in the form of diagrams for a concrete, concise representation of which risks the company faces as well as the severity of them.

Risk assessment Fraud Internal threat

Email monitoring


As much as companies try to foster a culture of positivity in the corporate environment, put all sorts of system limitations in place, and emphasize strict company policy to keep employees from engaging in things they shouldn’t be doing, fraud still goes on, and it is rampant, hence the demand for email monitoring.

Email Human factor Fraud

Configuring DLP system


The installation of a DLP system can be managed even by a novice system administrator. However, its fine-tuning requires some skills and experience.

DLP Risk assessment Investigation

Web activity monitoring


In the technology era in which employers are looking to squeeze everything out of their employees that they can and optimize business efficiency to the max, a plethora of process optimization industries have sprouted up that offer to facilitate businesses’ success.

Employee monitoring Productivity

Remote employee monitoring


As of late, there has been a great rise in employers’ desire to keep as close an eye on their employees as possible and analyze their activities in-depth to achieve the best idea of the level of their performance and the degree to which they are complying with policy.

Remote employees Employee monitoring Productivity

User behavior analytics


Given the widely known and harnessed power of data analytics, companies utilize all sorts of information on their customers for a variety of purposes. Many use this information to most efficiently allocate their marketing expenses.

User behavior Employee monitoring Internal threat

Fundamentals of IS | Fundamentals of IS. data protection


The founder of cybernetics Norbert Wiener believed that information has the unique characteristics and cannot be described as neither energy nor matter. A special status of information as a phenomenon resulted in a proliferation of definitions.

Compliance Risk management Internal threat

User activity monitoring


The more that a company knows about its workers, the more it can harness that knowledge to propel the business’ success to the next level. Employers do not want to leave productivity up to chance.

Employee monitoring Productivity Risk management

Internal auditing


It goes without saying that efficiency is one of the most basic ingredients of a successful business and there is always room to ameliorate.

Internal audit Risk assessment Risk management

Insider threat statistics


A company having its secrets and confidential information stolen, its funds robbed, or damage caused to it is an ever-present threat that companies may take appropriate measures to avoid.

Insider Internal threat Employee monitoring

HR investigations


Although the primary function of a human resources department is to recruit and train personnel, there are many situations in the workplace that HR has to deal with, including ethics breaches and company policy violations.

Investigation Employee monitoring Human factor

IS Worldwide | The problems of information security in the world


By information security, we mean a set of organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection, integrity, accessibility and manageability of data arrays.

Confidential documents Risk management Internal threat

Extremist activity in the team


The department head noticed that an employee’s work had changed for the worse.

Human factor Employee monitoring

Shell companies and drug network


Company N called for a tender for preparation of design estimate documentation. At the stage of receiving requests the company found out that one of their employees had attempted to participate too.

Fraud Human factor Employee monitoring

Employee productivity


Every bit of what makes a company successful comes from work implemented through the actions of a company’s employees.

Productivity Employee monitoring Human factor

How to digitize human factor


Prevention is the key process of incident management – it is better to discover reasons and sources of a possible security breach than to fight consequences. Potential insiders are not easy to detect, and general data safety approach including basic instruments are not sufficient to reveal a violator.

Human factor User behavior Internal threat

Computer forensics


When you discover that your enterprise has been victimized by cybercrime or breached, your first thought is to seek out the origin of the crime.

Investigation Human factor

Business continuity


Considering the significant amount of money most people have invested in their businesses, it is important that the full rewards of it can be reaped.

Risk management Risk assessment Internal threat

Search for a new job


An employee was viewing vacancies on his corporate computer and receiving invitations to job interviews sent by business competitors. A company's risk manager detected the suspicious activity and took the employee under control.

Employee monitoring Productivity Insider

Insider threat tools


While all the hype about unknown threats breaching a company’s privacy, stealing its confidential information and company secrets, purposefully inflicting damage to its public image, and robbing it of its funds is worth keeping in mind to protect against, the losses that would result from that actually occurring are not as great as most people believe.

Insider Employee monitoring Fraud

Distribution of negative opinion


The system detected the correspondence between colleagues discovering one of the employees being outraged by the incentive system and other aspects of the management approach to employees.

Messengers, social media, apps Employee monitoring Risk assessment

Data security and data encryption in business


Encryption involves a plain text being coded into “encrypted” form using a cipher text and then being “decrypted” with a cipher text by the recipient on the other end.

Encryption Cloud

Corporate fraud investigations. Fraud security & protection


Corporate fraud could be defined as a loss to a corporation due to deceitful management. These schemes are often marked by their complexity and economic impact.

Third party Fraud Investigation

What is Risk Mitigation Strategy? Define Risk Evaluation Plan


To define risk mitigation, let us first specify what risk is. “Risk” is the possibility of loss. Thus, risk mitigation entails a concentrated effort to reduce adverse effects.

Risk management Risk assessment Investigation

What is Risk Management? Solutions, Strategies, Services & Tools


Anyone who has ever been involved in business knows that there is risk everywhere. What is risk management?

Risk management Confidential documents Risk assessment

How to Reduce Internal and External Threats to Organizations


With the current state of the global economy and employees feeling ever more pressure, internal security threats are on the rise.

Internal threat Confidential documents Human factor

Illegal business arrangements


Employees can create their own legal entities that will interact with an employer company. For example, fraudsters can use their job positions and promote their own enterprise as a counterparty and at the same time offer disadvantageous terms and conditions of cooperation.

Insider Email Database

What is Fraud Detection? Fraud Detection Software & Solutions


From advancing computing speeds to high-performance analytics to machine learning and other forms of AI, fraud prevention technology has come a long way.

Fraud Insider Human factor

Using personal mailbox


Sending confidential details from corporate to personal email

What is Employee Monitoring Software or Employee Tracking System?


Do you know what your employees are up to? Businesses are well aware that gaining a good understanding of what their employees are up to can work wonders in raising their work efficiency.

Employee monitoring Productivity User behavior

Information Security Threats


Information security in the broadest sense is a combination of means to protect information from accidental or deliberate exposure.

Internal threat Risk assessment Cloud

Information Security Incident Management | IS Incident Management


The system of data leakage protection is based, above all, on the detection, prevention, registration and mitigation of information security incidents or events that violate regulated procedures.

Risk management Compliance Investigation

Protection Against Information Leaks | Organization the protection of information from leakage through technical channels


We reviewed the results of the study related to the leakage of financial and other corporate confidential information.

DLP Confidential documents Devices

How to Choose a DLP System


The global market of information security tools offers a wide range of DLP systems (Data Leak Prevention). And the demand for them is only growing.

DLP Investigation

Identifying terror threats


The correspondence of employees in the corporate chat was intercepted. The employees were discussing the war in Syria, and one of them spoke negatively of Russia’s role in the conflict.

Human factor Employee monitoring Risk assessment

Methods to Protect Information | Methods and Tools for Data Protection


Computer data is prone both to loss due to malfunction or destruction of equipment, and to theft. Protection methods include the use of hardware and devices, as well as specialized technical tools with software.

Risk management Third party Risk assessment

DLP systems | What is a DLP system, and how does it work?


As of today, the market of DLP systems is one of the fastest growing among all markets of information security tools.

DLP Employee monitoring

Concept of DLP Systems | What is a DLP system?


DLP software is used to protect confidential data from internal threats. However, even if information security specialists adopted protection tools and use them against external violators, struggle with internal violators is more challenging.


Using personal mailbox


A car center employee was caught sending sensitive data from corporate to personal email.

Email Confidential documents Risk management

Personal data leakage


The risk management department noticed that one of the dentists of the state clinic used to send to his personal email cards with health data.

Database Email Employee monitoring

Communication with competitors


An employee received a message with an offer to meet and discuss “some common issues”.

Messengers, social media, apps Insider Employee monitoring

Leakage of a customer database


A security policy response attracted the attention of the risk managers responsible for monitoring to the abnormal activity of an employee who accessed the customer databases that include the information on individuals.

Database Confidential documents

Attempt to leak tender documentation


The results of the monitoring revealed that the employee was ordered to send the document to this email address by his manager.

Email Confidential documents Investigation

Leakage of a supplier database


The study of user relations made it possible to establish that the employee transmitted information to her husband who had a plot with the company's competitors.

Cloud Database Confidential documents



An employee logged into the personal mailbox from the corporate computer – a DLP system automatically "scanned" the last sent and received emails.

DLP Email

Leakage of a company's business plan


With the help of the integrated policies the system alerted to a suspicious activity - one of the employees discussed the company's short-term development plans with an unknown user via Skype.

Former employees Messengers, social media, apps Confidential documents

Leaking the company's know-how


The risk management department found confidential files on the computer of an employee who wasn't authorized to access them. Moreover, when the incident happened, the employee was on vacation.

Confidential documents DLP

Fraud Detection & Prevention Software: Business, Accounting, Banks


If most people were asked if stealing is wrong, they would answer “Yes”. In spite of this, organizations all over the world lose about 4 billion dollars to fraud on an annual basis.

Fraud Risk assessment Risk management

How to Prevent Identity Theft & Fraud. Types of Corporate Frauds.


Avoiding corporate fraud is no easy task considering the great variety of forms of embezzlement and deception that may take place. In the past 20 years, over 1,000 executives have been convicted of corporate fraud.

Fraud Employee monitoring Investigation

Attempt to leak the local network topology


The risk management department spotted one of the lawyers copying the document with the schemes of local networks and communication of the company to the personal flash drive.

Encryption Employee monitoring DLP

Integration of DLP Systems | Integration of DLP Systems in the company


DLP (Data Leak Prevention) is a comprehensive software product to prevent theft, modification and dissemination of confidential information. DLP-system monitor all the traffic within a protected corporate network.

DLP Risk assessment Internal threat

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